I Know What You Did Last Summer - But What about this Summer? A Guide to Finding the Perfect Summer Job

International Relations Society
3 min readFeb 14, 2022

by Lauren Vieira, 2021–2022 IRSOC Blogger

I know, I know — the last thing on anyone’s mind right now is summer. A quick glance out the window is enough to make one feel like those warm, breezy days are a lifetime away. Shifting your attention back indoors, piles of study notes and unfinished (and, let’s be real, un-started) essays don’t inspire much optimism, either.

But fear not! Summer is less than four months away (is this comforting?), and it’s time to start thinking about your summer plans. While thinking about days spent sipping cocktails in the sun is a lovely mental image, someone has got to pay for those cocktails and unless you’ve successfully sought the proper arrangements that someone will be you.

Your summer job search should begin now if you want to ensure you find a job you enjoy (or at least tolerate to the least painful degree).

The job hunt may seem to be a daunting task, which is why I have compiled a list of steps and resources to aid you in your journey:

1) Decide what kind of job you want and what sort of commitment you are willing to make.

★ Think about how important finding a job in your field of study is to you and try and narrow down what this ideal job could look like. For example, if you want to work in public policy or governance, would pursuing a paid government internship be a good fit for you? If the answer is “yes”, do you have the necessary qualifications for this kind of job?

★ Many summer internships/jobs that offer full-time work expect a four-month commitment. Are you thinking of going away for an extended period of time this summer? Do you have prior commitments that may take you away from your job? These are important factors to consider; if you can’t commit to full-time work, then perhaps part-time employment at a restaurant or retail store is a better fit for you.

2) Start your search!

★ Set aside time to properly scour the internet for summer jobs.

★ Begin by looking on the University of Toronto Career Learning Network. Jobs are posted here on a daily basis, and the search tool allows you to specify exactly what type of employment you are seeking to narrow down results.

★ Check employment websites like Indeed and Workopolis.

★ Look on the Government of Canada website! The Federal Student Work Experience Program offers plentiful job opportunities for students. Jobs range from airport border officers to tour guides to public service workers. You can apply for specific jobs or submit your application to their Ongoing Student Recruitment Inventory.

3) Apply, apply, apply!

★ So you’ve found some jobs you’re interested in- now it’s time to get a stellar application together.

★ Each job may require different application components. Tailor your resume and cover letter to each job and be sure to hype yourself up (within reason — we all know you didn’t win a Nobel Prize, Barbara).

4) Prepare for your Interview(s).

★ Make sure you know all about the company and job you are applying to. Think of answers to possible interview questions and practice deep breathing to calm any pre-interview jitters.

★ Dress to impress. When you look good, you feel good; bring this girl/boy boss energy to your interview.

5) Be realistic.

★ You will likely encounter rejection, but keep your head up high! Just like not every job is a perfect fit for you, you are not a perfect fit for every job! With perseverance and optimism you will eventually find the job you’re looking for.

Good luck with your search!



International Relations Society

Welcome to the International Relations Society Blog! We are a course union of the University of Toronto, housed in Trinity College.